Grace Presbyterian Church Mission Statement: Following Jesus, we love, welcome and serve.


Grace firmly believes that we are called to love our neighbor whether it is our neighbor down the street or half-way around the world.  Below represents the majority of the missions that Grace supports. If there is a mission you would like to see Grace support, then we are just one leader away from supporting them. Are you the one to lead that charge?

Neighborhood Missions

Beyond our neighborhood

Give Kids the World
GKTW provides families of children who have been diagnosed with a life threatening disease to come to the Orlando area to enjoy week together.  Many families have been busy with doctor’s appointments and many other things that take away the opportunity for them to spend quality time together.  This is their week to be a “normal family” and experience many things that we take for granted.  Grace has youth trips, as well as church-wide trips to GKTW to serve.

If you’ve not heard about the Thornwell, you should know that they have been a welcoming haven for children and youth whose lives have been shattered by abuse, neglect, displacement, abandonment, or tragedy since 1875. Their programs and services help to restore hope and wholeness by creating a nurturing, growth-oriented, Christian environment where every child can begin to heal. You can read more about their work at
We host some of the cottages each summer for a lake day where we have fun on Lake Wylie and come back to Grace for dinner and games.
AA , Al Anon and OA
Alcoholics Anonymous provides twelve-step group meetings for individuals trying to stop addiction to alcohol and other drugs.  Al-Anon is the corresponding support and learning group for spouses and relatives of addicted persons.  Grace sponsors this extraordinary healing ministry.  AA meetings are hosted on Mondays and Fridays at 8 p.m, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7pm.  Saturdays at 12pm.  Al-Anon meetings are hosted on Mondays at 8 pm and Saturdays at 9 am.   The AA group that meets at Grace is in Area 62, District 21, Tega Cay.  For information on Al-Anon visit  OA is the 12-step program addressing food and body image issues.  OA meets on Mondays at 10:30am.  For more information, visit

Angel Tree and RAINdeer
Each year, Grace Presbyterian partners with York County DSS to provide gifts to children in the local foster care system who may otherwise not have an enjoyable holiday.
 For almost 20 years, Grace has purchased $10 gift cards for our RAINdeer gift project which benefits families in York County affected by HIV/AIDS. Although no longer affiliated with the Regional AIDS Interfaith Network, Affinity Healthcare continues the mission in York county to provide support and services to clients in need. Contact Lori Ochsner:  803-517-9916 (RAINdeer).

Community Café
Grace Church provides a team of volunteers to prepare and serve food on the second Friday of each month at Lake Wylie Lutheran Church.  All are welcome to enjoy lunch every Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.  The mission of the café is to provide tasty and nutritious meals that will draw people; to treat everyone with love, affirmation, and respect; and to create a warm and inviting Christian atmosphere for people to gather at the table.

Fort Mill Care Center
The Fort Mill Care Center is a local social service program for residents of Fort Mill.  It has been in operation since 1987 when local churches and ministers recognized the need to handle the many requests needed for family aid.  The Care Center is a volunteer organization staffed completely by volunteers that run several programs for needy Fort Mill citizens.  A few of the programs are:  food pantry, emergency utilities, rent and qualified prescriptions, school backpacks, healthy teeth, warm blanket/winter jacket, Santa’s helper, Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners.  Their website is and they are open Mon., Wed., and Fri., from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.  The Care Center can use volunteers in the front office with application/interviewing of clients and also in the pantry sorting food/serving clients.  Grace supports the center monetarily and by collecting food items each month.  Grace is involved with the center’s food pantry program.  Each month a suggested food is listed in the bulletin and members bring their donations throughout the month. To learn more about FMCC, visit  Contact Renee Tillett.

Graceful Threads
The Graceful Threads quilting and sewing group meets Thursday afternoons from 1 to 3 p.m. and makes prayer quilts, raffle quilts, and other projects.  If you are interested in sewing or learning to sew or quilt, consider joining us.  Contact Lori Ochsner: (803-517-9916).

Habitat for Humanity of York County
Grace Presbyterian assists Habitat for Humanity of York County with prayer, volunteer, and financial support for projects such as Apostles Build, Faith Build, and Women’s Build.  This ministry helps families with below-median incomes build and own their own home for the first time.  To learn more, visit   Contact Mark Nestel for more information.

Historic Paradise Foundation
The vision of the HPF is to keep Paradise Historically sustainable. The mission is to proactively preserve people & property of Paradise of Fort Mill. To learn more, visit

Bethel Shelters
Provides a safe place to sleep, a hot meal to eat, and pathways to self-sufficiency for unhoused individuals year-round.  Through donations of time and meals, Bethel  serves approximately 120 individuals daily.  Grace has recently become an "overflow shelter" to ensure that no man is turned away during the coldest months of the years.  Grace also provides meals monthly (sometimes more) to help serve and feed those in need of a warm meal.

Providence Presbytery
Our Presbytery is the aggregate of 58 PCUSA congregations in northern South Carolina.  Our giving to the presbytery helps to provide funding for the services (personnel and program) of Providence Presbytery, the Synod of the South Atlantic, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).  Local missions supported by our Presbytery include Faith New Church Development in Indian Land (this is an important ministry for our congregation as we seek to “pay forward” the generous resources offered when Grace was a New Church Development), Bethelwoods Camp and Conference Center, food programs for elderly poor and disabled people in our Presbytery (through Dimes for Hunger), and Providence Carpenters (which provides critical renovations and home repairs for those needing assistance in our Presbytery,) campus ministry at our local colleges and universities, Habitat for Humanity, Second Harvest, and Kids to Kamp (funding for children to go to Bethelwoods who would not otherwise be able to attend).  Contact Joanne Sizoo:  (803) 548-0800.

Room In the Inn - 2024
This program allows us to serve 8-10 of our neighbors each night we host, providing them with the comforts of food and warmth during the winter season.  Volunteers are needed for varied tasks, such as providing transport, setting up beds, providing and serving dinner, staying overnight, providing breakfast items, packing lunches, clean up and doing laundry.  Contact Elizabeth Eppes.

Scouting Ministries
Grace believes scouting is a healthy program to grow maturity, service, and leadership in children and youth.  Grace is host and sponsor partner with three scouting units:  Cub Scout Pack 250, Scout Troop 250, and Scout Troop 250-G.  Contact Ray Scott: (803) 370-1613.  

Pathways Community Center
Pathways addresses homelessness and poverty by fostering collaboration among service providers.  As a centralized hub, Pathways connect people with resources to achieve self-sufficiency.  Please contact Renee Tillett for more information on how you can get involved.

Temple Solel
Grace is proud to be interfaith partners with Temple Solel.
Presbyterian Church & Jewish Temple Partner – Sharing Lessons of Hospitality - CN2 News article