Grace Presbyterian Church Mission Statement: Following Jesus, we love, welcome and serve.

Grace Presbyterian Church WOrship Bulletin

December 8, 2024

Order of Worship

December 8, 2024 - The Second Sunday of Advent
Words for the Beginning:  We Can't Go Alone
Rev. Dr. Joanne Sizoo, Pastor
Dre Manoni, Elder on Call

Grace Presbyterian Church
Following Jesus, we love, welcome, and serve.

 Welcome & Announcements


Lighting the Candle of Peace       (8:00) The Fleming Family     (10:15)Geoff & Claire Brown

Scripture Reading       Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12

Call to Worship:
In a world that is lonely, we will save a seat for you. 
In a world that is anxious, we will light candles against the gloom. 
In a world that is weary, we will sing songs of joy and truth.
I am not alone.  We are not alone. 
For here in this place, God is weaving us together. 
Light the candles! Sing with joy!  We are a three-cord strand, not easily broken.

**Hymn      #105  "People Look East”

**Affirmation of Faith
We believe in a with-us God:  a God who walks with us in the valley, dances with us on the mountaintop, sings with us through the night and rejoices in the morning.  We believe that this with-us God wired us for relationship, saying to creation on the very first week, “Humans should not be alone.”  Therefore, in an effort to be who God called us to be, we strive to live like the Trinity—connected, united, and centered.  We believe in the power of community.  We commit to learning each other’s names.  We choose to journey with each other, like Ruth with Naomi.  And we remember that no one can go through life alone.  Thanks be to God, for lighting our way.

Time with Young Disciples (10:15)

Anthem  (10:15)    "Hymn of Devotion"    Grace Notes Choir; Diane Carrouth, cello

Prayer for Illumination

Message     incorporating Ruth 1

Prayers of the People with the Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us, not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.  Amen.

**Hymn                "To Be Known"       TUNE:  WALTHAM


**Choral Reflection
O come, Thou Dayspring, come and cheer our spirits by Thine advent here; disperse the gloomy clouds of night, and death’s dark shadows put to flight.  Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.


**congregation standing in body or spirit
congregational responses in bold

lyrics printed with permission under One License #A-737483 and CCLI License #2545718
Worship Series liturgy written by Rev. Sarah (Are) Speed | A Sanctified Art |