1 John 3:18 "Let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action."
Stewardship is an acknowledgement that everything we are and everything we have come from God and belong to God. We are stewards of our lives. We are called to live our lives generously in service, being a blessing to the world with gifts of time, talent, and treasure. Together as a church we are working to provide missions and ministries that are faithful to God's callings on our lives. Each member is asked to contribute to the life and ministry of the church as we care for one another, worship God, and seek to be a blessing to the community and the world.
Our Stewardship Team and congregation are working to move toward a year-round embodiment of stewardship, recognizing that all we do to honor God and one another are acts of generosity and stewardship. Much of this year-round contemplation of stewardship is a continual call to lives within the rhythms of what God is calling us to do in each season of our lives, recognizing that generosity and gratitude are to be embraced at all times.
Each year we ask each family to make a pledge for the following year so we can use those pledges to form a church operating budget. This estimate of financial giving to the church gives us a chance to ponder how we will honor God with our finances. The church's budget tells the story of how we fund all of the things we do from music ministries to senior adult ministries, Bible studies and Sunday school, youth and children's ministries, our planned giving to missions in York County and around the world, how we will compensate the church staff and maintain our building (which serves as a community center in many ways!), and so much more! Thank you for considering how you are being called to support the church in 2025.
Our Stewardship Team and congregation are working to move toward a year-round embodiment of stewardship, recognizing that all we do to honor God and one another are acts of generosity and stewardship. Much of this year-round contemplation of stewardship is a continual call to lives within the rhythms of what God is calling us to do in each season of our lives, recognizing that generosity and gratitude are to be embraced at all times.
Each year we ask each family to make a pledge for the following year so we can use those pledges to form a church operating budget. This estimate of financial giving to the church gives us a chance to ponder how we will honor God with our finances. The church's budget tells the story of how we fund all of the things we do from music ministries to senior adult ministries, Bible studies and Sunday school, youth and children's ministries, our planned giving to missions in York County and around the world, how we will compensate the church staff and maintain our building (which serves as a community center in many ways!), and so much more! Thank you for considering how you are being called to support the church in 2025.
2025 Stewardship Pledge drive FAQ
How can I make my pledge for 2025?
There are several ways to make your pledge for 2025. You can complete the pledge card online, get a paper pledge card from the Sanctuary or church office, or call or email Jason Davenport, Director of Youth and Stewardship Ministries, to complete your pledge.
What is a Stewardship Pledge?
Each year, members of Grace Presbyterian Church are asked to make a stewardship pledge for the upcoming calendar year. A member's pledge is a one-year financial commitment to support the ministry within our congregation, our community and the world.
What is an Appropriate Pledge Amount?
The amount of each member’s stewardship pledge is a personal, spiritual decision. The biblical concept of tithing (contributing 10% of one’s income to the church and other worthy organizations) is a standard to prayerfully consider. Some members may be able to equal or exceed the tithing level. Other members will pledge at a lower level. This giving percentage table is a guideline for those who would like to move toward this goal. All pledge contributions, regardless of the amount, are gratefully received as an expression of a member’s commitment.
There are several ways to make your pledge for 2025. You can complete the pledge card online, get a paper pledge card from the Sanctuary or church office, or call or email Jason Davenport, Director of Youth and Stewardship Ministries, to complete your pledge.
What is a Stewardship Pledge?
Each year, members of Grace Presbyterian Church are asked to make a stewardship pledge for the upcoming calendar year. A member's pledge is a one-year financial commitment to support the ministry within our congregation, our community and the world.
What is an Appropriate Pledge Amount?
The amount of each member’s stewardship pledge is a personal, spiritual decision. The biblical concept of tithing (contributing 10% of one’s income to the church and other worthy organizations) is a standard to prayerfully consider. Some members may be able to equal or exceed the tithing level. Other members will pledge at a lower level. This giving percentage table is a guideline for those who would like to move toward this goal. All pledge contributions, regardless of the amount, are gratefully received as an expression of a member’s commitment.

Why are Pledges Important?
Pledges are essential to Grace’s planning process. Each year committees submit their goals and the estimated cost to achieve them. Once members’ pledges are received, the Session will finalize the budget.
How are Pledges Submitted and What is the Time Frame?
Members are asked to complete and return their pledges on or before October 29th. They may click here to complete an online pledge, mail in physical pledge cards to the church office or place them in the offering box in the Sanctuary on or before Sunday, November 3.
After I Pledge, how do I give?
You can fulfill your pledge in variety of ways that work best for you in the months ahead.
If you have any questions feel free to call the church office at 803-548-0800 to speak with church staff. Thank you!
Pledges are essential to Grace’s planning process. Each year committees submit their goals and the estimated cost to achieve them. Once members’ pledges are received, the Session will finalize the budget.
How are Pledges Submitted and What is the Time Frame?
Members are asked to complete and return their pledges on or before October 29th. They may click here to complete an online pledge, mail in physical pledge cards to the church office or place them in the offering box in the Sanctuary on or before Sunday, November 3.
After I Pledge, how do I give?
You can fulfill your pledge in variety of ways that work best for you in the months ahead.
- Mailing a check to the Grace Presbyterian Church office at 2764 Pleasant Rd. #10904, Fort Mill, SC 29708
- Bringing a check with you to worship service and place it in the white offering box
- Setting up a recurring electronic payment with your bank based on a schedule that works for you
- Texting GRACEFORTMILL and any amount to 73256
- Through the Realm app you can set up regular giving or a one time gift
- Making your contribution online at https://onrealm.org/gracefortmill/-/give/now
If you have any questions feel free to call the church office at 803-548-0800 to speak with church staff. Thank you!